And then I got to work.
Today's Stats
Total songs listened to: 0
Total minutes of music (approx.): 0
Song with the most previous plays: n/a
How I Rate Today's Playlist (1-10): n/a
Miscellaneous factoid about my trip to work today: Um, you can probably guess it - - the iPod battery was dead. And the ambient sounds of my commute were not helping the situation. Mostly I listened to the train conductor announce further delays due to a "stuck door on the train ahead of us." Happy Monday!
I thought I was having a terrible Monday, too--overslept, couldn't find one shoe, almost ran out of gas, dog barf--until the man in front of me at the McDonald's drive-through dropped his money, opened the door of his very new BMW right into the brick wall, and then drove to the next window, scraping the side and mirror of the car against a pole. So, it could've been so much worse. (Even though that scene was followed closely by my huge cup of Diet Coke splitting open all over me, right before I had to drop off my daughter at school an hour late. And then I didn't even have a list to read through here! Terrible day, indeed :) Better luck to you tomorrow!)
Sounds like a bad case of the Mondays. Charge your iPod.
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