Friday, October 17, 2008

Long Legs (Day 147)

*It's Friday, and I'm in the mood for something different. So, here's today's little Internet art project/experiment. I'm going to let the vast Intrawebs comment on today's songs - - visually. I will simply type each song name, word for word, into the Yahoo! Image Search engine and post the very first photo that comes up. This may be my big shot at meme-dom? We'll see...

Elvis Costello - "Go Away"

This one is awesome. (

The Magic Numbers - "Long Legs"

Literal, but fortunately not too dirty. (Source.)

Karl Blau - "The Dark, Magic Sea"

Evocative. (Source.)

Spoon - "Eddie's Ragga"

The only real dud here. It was bound to happen, but I'm glad the actual cover of the album one of the songs is from only came up once. (Source.)

Billy Bragg & Wilco - "Joe Dimaggio Done It Again"

Again, very literal. But oh-so-sweet. (Source.)

Yo La Tengo - "Story Of Jazz"

Not what I would have expected. The caption reads: "After dessert, we went to a nearby place called Jazz Story. It's not quite a jazz club, because they play more 1960s classic rock than jazz, but the mood is mellow and the decor is interesting. These things were mounted on the walls -- I guess they are metal dies for casting plastic things like cassette tapes and shampoo bottles.They have styrofoam packaging cushions on the ceiling too." (Source.)

Kings Of Leon - "Razz"

Thirsty? (Source.)

The Mountain Goats - "First Few Desperate Hours"

Amazing. The best image and somehow perfect for the song too. Cheers, Flickr user c300! (Source.)

Travis - "Luv"

I was worried that one of these would lead to a less-than-PG image - - and I had a right to be. This is the 2nd photo that came up after searching for "Luv." The first was indeed NSFW, but actually kinda tasteful. See for yourself here. In the meantime, this works - - in a Duran Duran album cover kind of way. (Source.)

Final Fantasy - "I'm Afraid Of Japan"

This doesn't look like anything to be afraid of. (Source.)

And then I got to work.

Today's Stats
Total songs listened to: 10
Total minutes of music (approx.): 40
Song with the most previous plays: "Long Legs" - 14
How I Rate Today's Playlist (1-10): 6
Miscellaneous factoid about my trip to work today: The weather is gloriously seasonally appropriate.

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